Your First Visit
How to prepare for
your child’s first dental visit
Is your child ready to visit the dentist?
Is your child ready to visit the dentist? Are you feeling apprehensive on their behalf? There are good reasons to take your child for dental exams as early as possible. The Canadian Dental Association recommends bringing your child for their first visit by age one. Bringing them early to a dental checkup allows you to know if the cleaning you do at home is working and help the dentist to see if there are any problems and fix them before they get bigger. It also allows your child to learn that dentists aren’t scary and are there to help.
The earlier you introduce your child to the dentist, the more comfortable they’ll be. Most often, an infant or toddler’s first dental visit is just a short icebreaker to establish the dentist’s office as a safe, friendly location. They’ll sit the child in a dental chair, move it up and down, get them to open their mouths, do a very gentle look around, and give them a little toy to take home. Taking the time to do this will make all your subsequent visits much less stressful. You may find your child excited to go to the dentist!
Here is a video that can help you and your child to understand how their first dental appointment with PDG will go.

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Make your child’s dental visit fun and memorable one!
Contact us and book an appointment with one of our Certified Specialists in Pediatric Dentistry.